Native Advertising Network

We work with news publishers from Latin America only.
Let’s make good money together

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Advantages of working with the ScroogeFrog AdNetwork for Publishers

    • Transparent statistics where you control profit from each advertiser, ad format, and placement
    • Self-optimized advertising network (RTB connectors aren’t required)
    • RPM (revenue per mile) based optimization
    • Various widget formats (news feed, In-article, IAB Banners)
    • Operating in many geos of Latin America
    • Customized payment models for large publishers
    • Wide range of supported money transfers (PayPal, Wire, etc.)
    • Work with unlimited budgets under advertiser’s KPI (performance marketing)
    • A large library of offers for every publisher
    • Using machine learning algorithms

Main offers of the ScroogeFrog AdNetwork

  • Supplements

  • Investments

  • Showbiz

  • E-commerce

  • We prefer to cooperate with news publishers coz they have the most suitable audience for our offers (age, sex, interests, income)

We are currently working with the following GEOs

We are currently working with the following GEOs

Latin America:

Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Uruguay

Sign Up

Suitable payment models

There are several payment models for traffic we support:

vCPM — an ad impression is counted as viewable if at least 50% of its area was displayed on screen for at least one second (the minimum criteria according to IAB measurement standards)


CPM with a minimum acceptable value of CTR


RevShare model. We distribute the advertiser’s budget between a publisher and the network as a 70/30 split, correspondingly

Contact us

We are always open for conversation and
glad to share our experience. Come on, join us
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